Welcome to my scribblings.

Welcome to my scribblings.
Welcome to my scribblings.
I hope you find something herein that amuses, instructs, inspires, or -at least - gives you a break when you are so bored your teeth hurt.

To be candid, this is a vanity site for housing my content creations over the years. It will be easier for my heirs to sort through digital files than boxes of paper sheathed in cobwebs in the cramped attic.

While there is some silly stuff here, there is a lot of content reflecting my passions - pursuing potential, finding fulfillment in work, and being the kind of leader who helps others do that.

Why the name?

I learned follow-through is vital in sports - you have to flick your wrist in basketball, swing through the baseball, and keep the club flowing after contact in golf. Follow-through completes the shot or the swing.

Follow-through is vital in life - we must commit to continuing a success strategy until its conclusion.

We must Follow-through to find our unique gifts.

We must Follow-through to find our passion and purpose.

We must Follow-through to get a deep sense of fulfillment and joy by living our best life.

I want you to feel inspired, equipped, and encouraged to live your dreams and pursue your potential.
My Vision is a world of fulfilled potential where people are healthy and happy.

Why do this, Steve?
If we help one person live a fulfilling, happy life of meaning and purpose, our efforts will be worth it.

This post explains my motivation.

On this site, you can find a collection of my writings over the last 30 years to complement new content should the muse strike.

There are columns I wrote for a local, small-town newspaper and some articles previously published here and there. I have also included my attempts at humor and some short stories to induce somnolence if you've run out of Ambien.


Browse the library and blog to see if any content strikes your fancy. I like to wander through a bookstore, scanning titles to see if my subconscious cuffs the back of my head and says, "You need to read this." May the Category page smite you likewise.

Drill down

Find a category of interest and click through to find related posts.

Use the website search engine to hunt.

I hope you find something that helps you live your best life - but I'll take an occasional wan smile or "hmm" as a win.

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