Steve McNeely

Steve McNeely

Worse half of Mary, Dad, Grandpop, managing partner of CPA firm, preacher, teacher, author, musician, ex-athlete, Christian in training.
54 posts

Encouragement, the Lost Art

Being a habitual encourager isn’t about sugarcoating the truth or being fake. It is about developing a warm, loving relationship that is super-prepared to handle constructive criticism.

The Eagles Work Hard

If you are tempted to complain that you don’t have something you want, here is a way to use a mirror as your circle of truth. Simply keep a log of how you spend your time and your money for a month—it will tell you what you really value in life.
Rules for Effective Feedback

Rules for Effective Feedback

The following rules for giving feedback help us take care when expressing opinions that can be taken as criticism or suggestions for improvement so that we do not create unintended consequences.
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